Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reflective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Reflective - Essay Example Besides, the aspect of professional behaviour is amalgamation of two different words profession and behaviour in which profession referred as the work that requires particular skill and involve high-level education as well as competencies in an individual. On the other hand, behaviour is regarded as way of acting or behaving in a particular scenario. Thus, based on the above analysis and discussion, I understood that professional behaviour is the approach of reflection of professionalism. Besides, in the overall respect, if we behave in a professional manner, then we will be able to uphold good respect over the public. On the other hand, it has also been reflected that if we tends towards behaving in a professional manner, it will significantly assist in uplifting our career and improve the overall working environment. The learning module assisted me with the aspect that in order to ensure professional behaviour, we must tend to compel the assigned rule and law in the professional ground. For instance, in a business, the accountants are needed to ensure that their work is conducted in accordance with the rules and the standards, which are applicable in the field of accounting. Moreover, the aspect not only emphasis the written rules and conduct, but also includes unwritten aspects in much ethical manner ensuring reduction of possible disrepute over the professions. Nevertheless, in the working environment, professional activities are highly interlinked, as an individual breaking his/her professional practice and code of conduct will create significant impact over the entire profession. Based on discussion of the learning module, I can affirm the fact that professional conduct is acting and governing the activities in a professional manner. In this respect, code of conduct is regarded as an important approach of ethical benchmark of the professional practice. Additionally, I can
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Welding Thin Materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Welding Thin Materials - Essay Example A filler metal and an inert gas shielding are used to guard the weld region from contamination. In my opinion, the vice president of manufacturing is right. Although TIG welding is excellent and suitable for all metals, it is an expensive process and is limited to level welding. On the other hand, SMAW is advantageous in several ways, for instance; its equipment is simple and portable, is of low cost, it is appropriate for out-of-position welding and has a broad range of electrodes. For these reasons, SMAW is the most prevalent welding method globally. The main limitation of the SMAW process is that it causes metal burn-through, especially in thin wall tubing and sheets. However, if the following precautions are taken, it is possible to avoid metal burn-through. First, electrodes of suitable size should be used. It is important to note that big electrodes are intended for welding at great deposition levels. Welders normally use the largest electrode that is reasonable for their particular application and produces weld that is of good quality. However, when welding thin wall steel, it is advisable to limit the electrode size to prevent metal burn-through. Second, steel that is SMAW friendly should be used, in order to make the welding process simpler. The ideal steels to use are AISI-SAE 1015 to 1025 with a maximum of 0.035 percent sulfur and 0.1 percent silicon content. These steels are possible to weld at fast speeds with minimum metal burn through. Steels that contain high phosphorous and sulfur contents are not suitable to use. In cases where they are the only type available, low-hydrogen electrodes with small diameters should be used (Guide & Sa dler, 2009). Third, joint position and electrode should be carefully matched with the metal. Joint position normally influences the quality of a finished weld. When working with 10- to 18-gauge sheet steel, the quickest travel speeds are
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Impact of Economic Events on FTSE 100 Corporations
Impact of Economic Events on FTSE 100 Corporations
Friday, October 25, 2019
Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Essay examples --
Compare and Contrast Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Human beings have always been curious about the meaning and purpose of life. Religions try to answer the curiosity people have about there being a higher source, typically identifying this greater domination as God. Some beliefs teach that there is only one G-d this is defined as a monotheistic religion. Some examples of monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Although each sect has a different perspective on teachings and beliefs they have one common thread; the belief in a singular deity. Each religion has a different perspective but most important is where the religions generated from. Major religions started in various parts of the world. Judaism, Christianity and Islam share the same birthplace the Middle East. Jerusalem is not only the home to Judaism but Christian and Muslim Religions as well. Equally important is the expansion of religions. For example Judaism and Christianity are also practiced in Europe, North America, Russia and elsewhere. Islam can be found in Europe, Central Asia, North and West Africa and elsewhere. (30-41) Diverse religions spread throughout the countries allowing for the expansion of followers. The Birthplace of the religions is just as significant to the different sects; which, the religions are composed of. Each religion has different branches where each sect varies on beliefs. For instance, Judaism is broke into three major branches Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. This are consider the sects of today. One major argument between the groups is the interpretation and validation of the Torah. "The argument is rather the torah was written by G-d and given to mosses completely intact. The Second argument is the ... ... he was sent to earth to save human beings from sin and death. The teaching's of Jesus center around love. The way to salvation is do good works. Also too have faith in G-d and the Christ's resurrection. Last but not least is Islam. The basic beliefs of Islam are summed up in this statement of Faith. "I believe in Allah, his angels, his books and prophets and the Day of judgment". The Angel Gabriel brought Allah's message to Muhammad They believe the purpose of life is to submit to G-d, and obtain paradise after death. They way to achieve salvation is to follow the Qur'an, and Five Pillars of Islam. Although many religions have different sects; which, may share different ideas just like in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is evident that these religions believe in one god. The teaching and traditions of each religion make each religion unique in its own way.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Entertainment Industry in Mexico
Overview of Entertainment Industry in Mexico By: Jennifer Tarleton Date: November 15, 2010 GEO 111 World Regional Geography Instructor: David Harris South Piedmont Community College TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Actors and ComediansP. 1 II. Singers and MusiciansP. 2 III. Production CompaniesP. 3 IV. BibliographyP. 5 Business is booming for Mexico's entertainment industry. Mexico promotes itself as choice destination for filmmakers, but problems threaten to stunt industry's growth. The entertainment industry in Mexico faces two serious challenges.The first challenge is to generate an environment that the entertainment industry can prosper and second, to protect intellectual property. A stable business environment is vital to the success of the entertainment industry in Mexico. I. Actors, Comedians, Films The history of Mexican cinema goes back to the ending of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th but some movies have rediscovered just recently. The â€Å"silent film†industry in Mexico produced several movies; however, many of the films up to the 1920s have been lost and were not well-documented.The Mexican cinema golden era occurred during the 1940s. The origin of early filmmaking is generally associated with Salvador Toscano Barragan. Toscano compiled the country's first fictional film, titled Don Juan Tenorio. By 1906, 16 movie salons opened their doors to accommodate the popularity of cinema in Mexico City. Actors such as Pedro Infante, Jorge Negrete, Cantinflas, Joaquin Pardave, Maria Felix, and Dolores del Rio gained their recognition. The themes during these years touched all aspects of Mexican society. The majority of the productions were comedies and dramas.Mexico's most famous contribution to popular cinema is perhaps the beautiful Mexican actress Salma Hayek who has endeared herself to thousands of fans across the world. Hayek is the first Mexican national to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress. She is one of the most prominent Mexican figures in Hollywood. Some of today’s most popular comedians also have Mexican roots. George Lopez is one of the top five highest grossing comedians in the world. Lopez, a Mexican-American, was deserted by his father at birth but was raised by his maternal grandmother.Lopez has received several honors for his work and contributions to the Latino community. In September 2004, George was honored with the â€Å"Spirit of Liberty Award†presented by People for the American Way. In August 2005, Time magazine recognized George as one of â€Å"The 25 Most Influential Hispanics in America†. Another large sector of the entertainment industry in Mexico is the adult entertainment industry. The adult entertainment industry in Mexico is worth around one billion US dollars, and employs around 20,000 in direct and indirect jobs.While this entertainment industry produces revenue it also causes problems. Many film stars were diagnosed with various sexually transmitted di seases, including HIV. II. Singers and Musicians Mexico has a rich musical history. Mexico has a musical history that is full of cultural contrasts, with many different musical styles and influences. The popularity of the Mexican music goes back to the 16th century. Mexico's musical tradition shows strong folk as well as modern influences. However, the various music traditions have managed to unite Mexican society into one popular musical culture.Modern Mexico's music lovers are equally swayed by the tunes and rhythm of traditional music like mariachi and ranchero songs as well as by the Latino beats of hip-hop and salsa. The music industry has also brought considerable economic advancement to Mexico-generating jobs, bringing long-term investment and spawning a number of parallel businesses related to the industry (e. g. , recording studios and radio stations). Mexican music is popular in not only in Mexico but also in America and Europe.The famous Mexican American singers and music ians are playing a crucial role in keeping their traditions alive. The Mexican music is lively and offers pure entertainment. The singers like Jade Esteban Estrada, Selena, La Mafia, Roy Benavidez, Freddy Fender, Hector P. Gracia are some of the famous contemporary singers. III. Production Companies Mexico has a flourishing film industry and has produced a number of internationally acclaimed film directors. â€Å"There's no question that Mexico is one of the brightest hopes for the future of our company †¦ It's one of five key global markets. (Sumner Redstone) Redstone is the chairman and CEO of the entertainment conglomerate Viacom. Viacom’s holdings include MTV, Nickelodeon and Blockbuster Video. Redstone is optimistic about the prospects of connecting with Mexican audiences and growing with the market in coming years. Mexico is also building its reputation as a destination for filming. According to Kevin Trehy, executive producer for Warner Brothers Productions, the real value of Mexico being used as a location shoot is that the local community reaps benefits at a rate four times the cost of production.Miguel Angel Davila, president of Cinemex, a national chain of movie theaters, sees growth potential for his business in Mexico too. Many films raise many unanswered and perhaps unanswerable questions about where Mexico has been and where its people, politics, and culture are headed.V. BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www. museumstuff. com/learn/topics/Mexico_City::sub::Culture http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/George_Lopez http://latinmusic. about. com/od/countrie1/p/PROBASICS17. htm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Film_industry
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Greek and Roman Heroes
Brianne Keil HUM2210 October 15th, 2012 Interpretation Paper 2: The Warrior Hero We all envision certain types of qualities when considering what defines a hero: strength, agility, rock hard abs, and often, Brad Pitt. But throughout the Greek and Roman literature, we see different types of qualifications in the composition of their heroes. Obviously, both the Greeks and the Romans think that they define a true hero in their versions of Heroic Epics, but which one of these cultures actually proves that they have what makes the ultimate hero?With some further research into these societies and their literature, we see that their heroes really aren’t that different after all. In the Iliad, Homer targets the audience of Greek upper class men in order to spread some cultural propaganda to the nation. Homer captures audiences by using the hero of Achilles to show men what they should aim to be, and to show women what they should be looking for in a man. After the Dark Ages, Homer aim s to bring some positive light to the Greeks with his â€Å"Epic Heroes†, which leads to inspire more than just the Greek men of this time frame.Homer uses his words to encourage strength, creating what is known as the Greek Heroic Age, dating from 1200 to 750 BC. The Iliad becomes known as the warrior code of personal honor and glory, demonstrating the culture and the qualities Greek men should strive to achieve. Achilles, the epic’s hero, is an elegant gentleman who knows his destiny in life is to battle. Achilles makes it a strong point that the aim of every hero is to achieve honor, even if this honor is only reached in death. Achilles knows that he has two fates: to either live a long life with no fame attributed to him, or to die as a well-known warrior across his land.Achilles demonstrates to the male audience that honor can only sometimes be reached in battling to the death, an honor that is well worth sacrificing your life. In the Iliad, Achilles states, †Å"Man, supposing you and I, escaping this battle would be able to live on forever, ageless, immortal, so neither would I myself go on fighting in the foremost nor would I urge you into the fighting where men win glory. But now, seeing that the spirits of death stand close about us in their thousands, no man can turn aside nor escape them, let us go on and win glory or ourselves or yield it to others. †This statement proves Achilles deep desire within to reach glory for him, no matter what the cost. Even though Homer’s hero can only bestow honor alone, with his own actions, both Achilles and his enemy, Hector, strive to win the approval of the society as well. In a scene of the Iliad, Hector’s wife is urging, nearly begging, for him to sustain from battling. Hector replies with, â€Å"†¦ yet I would feel deep shame before the Trojans, and the Trojan women with trailing garments, if like a coward I were to shrink aside from the fighting. Hector’s resp onse demonstrates that not only does he have a duty to fulfill to the Trojans, but also to himself. By denying the fight with Achilles, Hector would be shameful to his society, but more importantly, to his own honor and glory. Homer displays a Greek hero as one with courage, honor, and personal glory that earns fame through the fights they conquer in their life. This description of a hero motivates many Greek men to step up to the plate and battle when the time comes, no matter what their risking along the way.A Greek Hero must be brave and fearless in the eyes of Homer, which leads to the perception of a hero to Greek citizens as a whole. The Roman’s, on the other hand, have a differing view of a hero, thanks to Virgil’s writing of the Aeneid. The Aeneid is an Epic History of Rome’s first ancestor, Aeneas. The original audience of this piece of literature is the broken and battered Trojans, who at the time (19 AD), were looking for some source of inspiration an d identity after being defeated by the Greek. The Aeneid demonstrates Pro-Rome propaganda, giving Romans something to believe in and aspire to be.It is said that Aeneas is the Hero that leads the Trojans after their defeat to Greece to a new land of prosperity. In the end, Aeneas slays Turnus due to his mission to provide the Roman’s with a new land to call â€Å"home. †Due to his strong will to complete his mission of reaching security, Aeneas is said to be the military Hero for Rome. Aeneas was â€Å"devoted to his mission†, and â€Å"chose the course heaven gave him†, leading to his title as an Epic Hero. Due to the cultural baggage the Trojans have after their humiliating defeat, the Aeneid is a much more emotional piece of literature, with â€Å"emotion in his heart†, when referring to Aeneas.Aeneas doesn’t just set an example for the Roman’s, he is inspirational to the entire population when things seemed to reach rock bottom. â€Å"Roman, remember by your strength to rule Earth’s peoples-†¦to pacify, to impose the rule of law, to spare the conquered, battle down the proud. †, Aeneas states in the Aeneid. By the end of the epic, the entire Roman audience feels that they themselves are the glorious conclusion of the story, not just Aeneas. He is idolized as the leader of a new found powerful legacy, in which includes each and every audience member. So now†¦the moment we’ve all been waiting for.Who takes the crown as the REAL epic hero? Well, it’s not that simple of a decision to make, even hundreds of years later. In some ways, the two heroes are very similar. But they also have contrasting qualities that make them unique to their culture. In Greece, the idea of personal honor and glory is highly emphasized, while the Roman Hero Aeneid is all about citizens coming together to reach power and prestige. The differing idealistic characteristics make sense from an outsider ’s view- the Greek had conquered the Trojans together, but only because of each individual warrior’s courage and bravery.In contrast, the Roman’s had just faced an embarrassing defeat, one which left the culture torn apart and most likely, depressed. Aeneid needed to create a positive morale among his people, which could only be restored by bringing everyone together to victory as one. The cultural baggage of each society lead to the way their heroes were presented. Even though the idealistic hero from a Greek society has more selfish attributes, Greek citizens would still appreciate Aeneid’s heroic acts, in my opinion.Whether Aeneid was fighting for his own glory, or for the glory of his people, he still slayed the enemy in order to reach his goal. The Greek audience would still hold Aeneid with high regards because in the end, he did battle for his destiny, and brought the Roman’s respect through his actions. Both cultures can appreciate the fact that both Achilles and Aeneid followed their destinies, battled for victory, and in the end, won fame because of their courage and dedication. While these motivations may have been pulled from different sources, both men were still able to bring glory upon themselves and the ones they fought for.Each of them held the true qualities of a warrior hero such as strength, endurance, and daring charisma, keeping them alive today, hundreds of years later. So, I hate to leave you hanging, but I guess the TRUE Epic Hero remains a mystery. After seeing what Achilles and Aeneid went through during battle, how can I choose which one is best? It’s so unfair! I think it’s safe to say that the Greeks will side with the self-determination of Achilles, while the Roman’s appreciate the inspiration Aeneid had to offer to them all.Either way, both of these men are considered warrior heroes to us all. Works Citied Dunkle, Roger. â€Å"The Classical Origins of Western Culture- ILIA D. †Brooklyn College Core Curriculum Series. Brookyln College, 1986. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. . SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Aeneid. †SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 2 Oct. 2012.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Playing Soccer in Ayso Essay
Playing Soccer in Ayso Essay Playing Soccer in Ayso Essay Dallas Goss Professor X English 101 December 3, 2012 Playing Soccer in AYSO On Saturday mornings all over the country, soccer fields are lined with players, coaches and parents cheering their children and teammates to victory. The seas of blue, green, and yellow uniforms are dotted with referees as the morning passes. The ongoing shouts of the players, the cheers from the parents and the referee’s whistle all combine to create an electric atmosphere. Many of the players on these fields play for AYSO. AYSO is the American Youth Soccer Organization. This is a non-profit organization that is a major contributor in youth soccer. The organization offers soccer to those players that want a less competitive and more affordable way to play soccer. In order to maintain its status, AYSO has developed five philosophies that govern how the organization can register and develop its players and teams. While these philosophies keep AYSO off the more competitive soccer fields, AYSO continues to maintain its place in youth soccer while creating a positive place for players to learn and play soccer. Club soccer teams hold tryouts each year to choose the best players available. This allows them to build strong teams on the competitive fields. Hundreds of player’s try-out for a club team with a fifteen-man roster. They go through a week of practices as the coach watches and picks the players for the team. (Heat) This helps to build a strong team, but it leaves several players with no team to play on. AYSO’s first philosophy does not allow the players to be â€Å"chosen†. Open registration means that any child between the age of four and nineteen can play soccer, regardless of the experience or skill. (AYSO). Players with several years of experience are registered with new players. Unlike the clubs teams, there are not try-outs for regular season play. By eliminating the try-outs, AYSO is able to take the pressure off the players. They are allowed to learn the rules of the game without the fear of not be ing good enough to make a team. On a U10 (under the age of ten) team there may be a nine or ten player roster. The games are played with seven players on each side. This means that two or three players are sitting out at any given time. Most leagues direct the coaches to play all the players during the games, but they are not told how long to play them. Competitive players may only play one quarter while their teammates play the whole game. This means the better players play a lot while the others may not. A current AYSO rule dictates that all players must play half the game before any one player plays the whole game. (AYSO) They do this to make sure that all players get the opportunity the experience play on the game field. After all, it is not fun to attend all the practices and then have to sit out and watch the games because there are other players on the team that have played longer or are more skilled. While the focus of competitive soccer is to win, AYSO focuses on the player and developing their skills while having fun. Competitive soccer is tough. Only the best players are allowed to play. If a child makes a team that is not as strong as other competitive teams they may lose and lose, continuously. There is no way of balancing the teams because each team advertises and recruits separately. They build the best team possible. Once a team is built, they may play together for several years, replacing only those that leave the team. This builds a strong team were the players know their teammate’s strengths and weaknesses. AYSO prides itself in allowing each player a fair chance of winning. In order to maintain the fairest teams possible, AYSO rebuilds its teams each season by balancing the teams according to player ratings. Each season the coaches rate their players and the end of the season. These are simple ratings that rank their skills in five to seven difference areas: dribbling, shooting or control. These ratings are
Monday, October 21, 2019
Sad Quotes About Life
Sad Quotes About Life When the heart is burdened with grief, nothing looks bright. It is not easy to shake off the gloom. The more you try to run away from it, the more it chases you. So let us learn to face our sadness. Here are some sad quotes about life. Use them as an antidote for your depression. Flush the negativity out of your heart. Believe that life is awesome, and you have the chance to make the most of it. Theres something addictive about sadness. It is like a drug that makes you crave sadness. At the same time, you want to get away from it. The self-pity, the self-deprecation, and the selfishness keeps one wallowing in grief. It is a cocoon that keeps you aloof from the world of joy. Its time to break away from this downward spiraling thoughts. Self-pity helps no one, not even you. If you want to move on, think positive. I can get sad, I can get frustrated, I can get scared, but I never get depressed - because theres joy in my life. Michael J. Fox For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, It might have been. John Greenleaf Whittier Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Its easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die. Chuck Palahniuk Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life youre living? Bob Marley The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but rather what they miss. Thomas Carlyle Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Carl Jung Courage and cheerfulness will not only carry you over the rough places in life, but will enable you to bring comfort and help to the weak-hearted and will console you in the sad hours. William Osler Dying seems less sad than having lived too little. Gloria Steinem Sadness flies away on the wings of time. Jean de La Fontaine Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. Helen Keller I thought when love for you died, I should die. Its dead. Alone, most strangely, I live on. Rupert Brooke Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it. J. K. Rowling Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light. Jean Giraudoux
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A critical review of the harlem dancer and her storm
A critical review of the harlem dancer and her storm Claude McKay’s â€Å"The Harlem Dancer†is a poem immersed in the rich cultural aesthetic of a cultural renaissance that is unable to conceal its somber song of oppression, even in an atmosphere trying relentlessly to exorcise those sour notes. The infected atmosphere in question is a Harlem nightclub, in which a beautiful, black female dances away her hardships as â€Å"laughing youths,†â€Å"prostitutes,†and the speaker watch. Using the speaker’s unique perspective, and the strict sonnet form, McKay illuminates both the beauty of resilience and degradation of the African American â€Å"self†perpetuated by racial oppression. Initially, a division is drawn between the speaker and the rest of the audience because of a difference in race and perhaps morality. Critic Beth Palatnik agrees, stating that the speaker â€Å"identifies himself and the dancer with blackness†(Palatnik). According to her analysis, the speaker assumes a position of moral superiority over the rest of the audience that sexualizes the dancer’s â€Å"half clothed body†(McKay 2). She notes that the speaker is more preoccupied with the woman’s â€Å"swaying palm†than he seems to be with her scantily clad figure. Though Palatnik seems to believe that this evidence alone proves the speaker’s moral superiority, the speaker is nevertheless an audience member himself in the nightclub, watching this sexualized dance. Therefore, it seems hypocritical to suggest that he is morally superior to those around him who are watching the same show. However, perhaps the difference involves not what the speaker sees, but what the audience does not see during the performance. The other audience members are described as â€Å"laughing,†â€Å"eager,†and â€Å"passionate†; diction that alludes to their unburdened enjoyment of the performance. The speaker is separate from these â€Å"boys†and â€Å"girls,†and the slow, deliberate meter of this sonnet, antithetical to the raucous atmosphere of the nightclub, allows the reader to infer that the speaker is a more reserved and thoughtful presence. Critic Eugenia W. Collier confirms that the â€Å"slow, measured, dignity o f the sonnet†form, contrasts with the â€Å"wild world†of Harlem (Collier). The speaker’s demeanor contrasts with those around him just as the structure of this poem contrasts with its setting. Maybe, as Palatnik suggests, his behavior is derived from his repudiation of the audience-projected eroticism, which she labels as â€Å"cultural rape†or maybe, as Collier speculates, he behaves differently because of the age disparity between him and the other audience members (Palatnik). Yet, it is a third explanation that best defends the critical assertion that the speaker of this poem is morally superior to those around him. In the ending heroic couplet following this sonnet’s volta, the reader learns that the speaker sees the dancer’s â€Å"self†as well as her body, creating a psychological connection rather than just a corporeal fascination. The audience and the speaker are both voyeurs, enjoying the aesthetic pleasure of watching the dancer, but unlike the audience the speaker sees the dancer as a fully actualized being, spiritually separated from her body and gender, if not race. The speaker sees her as a person as well as the attractive subject of his voyeurism, particularly a person similar to himself because of their shared ethnicity. He recognizes the intersection of beauty and pain that both define her humanity and, as the speaker implies, the African-American race. Using the dancer as an archetype, the speaker and poet illuminate the codependence of beauty and adversity in relation to the African-American woman, and the black community in general. In accordance with the philosophy of this poem, adversity begets beauty and this is emphasized through McKay’s use of a storm as an extended metaphor for the hardships faced by the black population through the course of American history. The poem states that the dancer had â€Å"grown lovelier for passing through a storm†(McKay 8). Palatnik is correct in her assertion that this storm is a metaphorical storm of racial oppression, supported with the emphasis on race in this poem and exemplified in the euphonic phrase â€Å"blown by black players,†the description of the dancer’s neck as â€Å"swarthy†, as well as through McKay’s other works that focus on race (ie: â€Å"Mulatto†). Critic Cary Nelson argues that the dancer’s beauty and pride, epito mized through her graceful movements and â€Å"proudly swaying palm,†represent the gains black people had made from overcoming adversity (McKay 5-7). Still, while the dancer may seem beautiful and triumphant, the description of her as â€Å"falsely-smiling†in the final heroic couplet implies that the resilient â€Å"self†that she projects to the audience may be as much of a performance as her dance. Although analysis of the speaker establishes his recognition of the dancer’s â€Å"self,†further examination of the last phrases of this poem suggests that what the speaker is seeing is not the â€Å"self†but the absence of the â€Å"self,†resulting from the dancer’s continued experience of racial subjugation. The speaker states that he knew the dancer’s â€Å"self†was not in the â€Å"strange place†of the nightclub. This line contains two metrical deviations from standard iambic pentameter; a pyrrhic followed by a spondee that emphasize the words â€Å"strange place†. This spondee’s function is to separate â€Å"strange place†from the rest of the line, creating a division between itself and the word â€Å"self†and therefore a thematic separation of the dancer’s internal self from her external environment. This tactic conveys that the dancer has overcome adversity through adaptation, pro tecting the â€Å"self†through separating it from her body, which exists in an environment of racial oppression and sexual exploitation. The music playing in the Harlem nightclub fades with a final somber note. Though triumph is found at the beginning of this poem, it is only a triumph of adaptation. In this poem, McKay insinuates that the oppressive conditions African Americans endured for centuries still persist into his current era and that any projected contentment on the community’s behalf is as much a facade as the dancer’s â€Å"falsely-smiling†face.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Impact Of Healthcare Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Impact Of Healthcare Reforms - Essay Example However, Avraham, Dafny, and Schanzenbach (2012) found a positive and significant impact of reforms aimed at improving healthcare quality in HMOs, which resulted in an increase in coverage among workers and reduction of tort related lawsuits. Precisely, reforms on the general set of ports between 1998 and 2006 reduced payable premiums of employer-sponsored self-insured health care programs by about 2.1%. While no significant reductions were found in fully insured plans under HMOs, caps on noneconomic damages and collateral source reforms had the greatest impact. Therefore, this suggests that American workers have benefited from the reforms by spending less on aggregate health costs/premiums as a percentage of personal income. Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS, 2010) noted that collaboration among health plans to share client details through regional and statewide information systems significantly helped to reduce time and office practice expenses. Mission Statement for Aetna International Aetna International is global healthcare provider with its head quarter in USA and continental offices in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company has been providing healthcare services in the last 3 decades with demonstrated excellence and customer satisfaction. Within America, Aetna is one of the many HMO service providers and offers both self-sponsored managed medical care plans as well as travel insurance. The company offers three categories of healthcare plans including individual, corporate, and blended healthcare plans.
Wal-mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wal-mart - Essay Example China is WalMart’s largest supplier, but in terms of sales WalMart ranks 24th in China after the local stores, while French retail giant Carrefour ranks fourth. The WalMart model of everyday low prices, coupled with supplier and cost controls has been successful in some countries such as Mexico, Canada and Britain. In Germany, the company has not done well due to existing competition, high labour costs and zoning laws. Altho0ugh China has the kind of market size comparable to domestic markets, thereby presenting an opportunity to duplicate domestic success, this has not occurred, as stated above. The Company has been losing money since its arrival in the country. Some of the other foreign retail chains operating in the country include UK’s Tesco, Thailand’s Lotus and Germany’s Metro. The local Chinese retail chain, Bailan, was most successful because of localised demand, supply base and distribution. Due to the wide disparities in income among Chinese customers, Walmart could not operate its national model, because purchasing patterns and good demanded were different at different locations and a standardised model was n ot successful. Local protectionism was also a barrier. The poor infrastructure in the country also added to the logistical and supply costs, thereby increasing costs. Firstly, Walmart’s attracted customers by its Everyday Low Prices. It maintained a relentless cost control system by allowing few perks for its officers and employees. It was also able to negotiate tough deals with its suppliers, using its ability to place bulk orders to also make other demand such as high quality and low prices, which it then passed on to its customers. It ,maintained several distribution outlets and initiated an electronic data interchange system, allowing suppliers to track sales to deliver new stocks and they were
Gleevac Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Gleevac - Essay Example It has four pKa values; 1.52, 2.56, 3.73, 8.07, very soluble in buffers of PH 5.5 and slightly soluble in neutral/alkaline aqueous buffers. Gleevec recognizes the auto inhibitory conformation of the activation loop of the protein that regulates the kinase activity. The structure of inactive state is distinct between different kinases. It has a half-life of 15 hours and allows daily administration. Gleevec is used to treat the chronic phase of CML though applications have been found in Advanced and blast crisis phases. Its efficacy has been found to reduce with phase progression.Most patients that don’t respond to gleevec are in advanced stages of CML at the initiation of treatment. Failure rate of imatinib in patient with chronic phase CML remains low(at less than 15%at 18 months) in patients who did not respond to interferon. In the 1980’s and 90’s much skepticism prevailed first on the development of compounds with specificity among protein kinases. Secondly, the targeting of singular molecular defects seemed insufficient in the treatment of highly heterogeneous cancer [11]. Gazit in 1989 reported low molecular weight tyrosine kinase inhibitors with selective activity towards EGFR. These inhibitors were called tyrophostins. Tyrophostins were useful in selective antiproliferation agents for proliferative diseases caused by hyperactivity of protein tyrosine kinases. Though tyrophostins were not clinically developed, they provided the proof of the principle of selective inhibition of tyrosine kinases by using small molecules [16]. Subsequently 2 phenylaminopyrimidines were reported as selective inhibitors for protein kinases C (PKC), Abelson (ABL) and platelet derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) kinases [3]. Tyrosine kinases mediate many of the signaling pathways by which cancer cells prom ote their proliferation and survival. They control cellular function and are thought to be too similar to be inhibited in-vivo [15]. Overall imatinib shows
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Permaculture Design Course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Permaculture Design Course - Essay Example The location is in a dense urban environment with significant traffic and air pollution. There is little greenery in the area, a few trees on the sidewalk and street areas or found around the parking lots and yards in the area behind the buildings. The rooftop area of the house is flat, cement, and currently unused. This proposal advocates for the creation of a sprout production facility, wheat grass juice production center, manna bakery, and garden of salad greens, medicinal herbs, vegetables, and other biodiversity related or endangered species plants in the rooftop terrace area as an example of Permaculture transformation of the urban environment. This project includes a production facility that is generally considered as supplying the food or a portion of the food for the members of the household who live in it or in this instance as a supplement for fresh salad greens, sprouts, herbs, vegetables, bread, and juices. It is possible for this facility to also be constructed inexpens ively, from recycled or salvaged materials and to include a greenhouse facility on a portion of the rooftop area. The greenhouse will contain three tables that are dedicated to the production of sprouts – alfalfa seed, radish seed, garbanzo bean, and broad bean primarily. These sprouts will be grown in cyclical progressions so that a supply is ready each day for household consumption, or a seven day cycle. In association with the salad sprout production there will also be the production of sprouted wheat for â€Å"manna†bread, wheatgrass juice, and rejuvelac production. Sprouted wheat requires pure water, and this must be changed every day on the wheat berries. Similarly the salad sprouts should be grown with pure water which is changed every day. The greenhouse facilities should keep these facilities relatively protected from air pollution that is dust, particle, or ash. However, the greenhouse takes up only around 33% of the rooftop. The other part of the terrace will be used to set up a salad greens, medicinal herb, and vegetable garden that is created by filling barrels, buc kets, and clay pots with earth for planting. These barrels should be wood and organic if possible, and clay pots should be used in both for wheat berry sprouting and for containing the earth in which the vegetables are grown. This method of compact community farming was developed in Essene communities over 2000 years ago in desert type of conditions, but allowed for concentrated agricultural production co-mingled with residence. The barrels can be preferably of wood and the type that is used for wine. The earth can be transported in to the facility from a rural location using one or two pick-up trips only. The earth can be shoveled into nylon grain sacks that are easily available for carrying up the stairs to the roof area. The larger barrels can be used for mixed plantings, such as tomatoes in associations with greens or corn and beans. The smaller clay pots can be used for lettuces, basil, salad greens, and medicinal herbs and the lettuces can also be planted in cycles to be ready on a regular basis for daily harvesting and use in the house. By growing these fresh vegetables, sprouts, wheat grass juice, and manna bread, the household implements permaculture ideas into the urban environment in a manner that is at once self-sufficient, environmentally improving, and transformative to the community and individuals who participate in it. The health effects of the fresh vegetable, sprouts, and sprouted bread diet can also be considered beneficial, though the plants should be misted as well as watered on a regular basis
Turkey Syria Relations Since 1998 Research Paper
Turkey Syria Relations Since 1998 - Research Paper Example The relation in general remained undulating with both countries involved in sabotage and terror activities. The base of this relation was laid with the joining of Hatay Province from Syria to Turkey after referendum under the French mandate in 1939 (Federal Research Division 120). It caused serious anger and revolt in Syrians and this hatred lead to deterioration of relations after the Syrian independence. The relations are made more complicated with each representing different blocks of Islamic sects; Sunni and Shia blocks. The Arabs along with Turkey consist of Sunni majority whereas; Iran and Syria represent the Shia block. Each block is backed by group of countries and strong ties among people are maintained with Islam being the pillar. The relations, however, took new turn in 1998 and a limited period of golden era soon followed. 2. Adana Agreement Adana Agreement was signed in October 1998 and it gave way to efforts for increased cooperation and dialogue among the two countries (Khalilzad, Lesser, and Larrabee 33). Under this agreement, security meetings, hotline, exchange of high level security officials as well as diplomatic missions started. The events that lead to this agreement however, must be discussed to give perspective and insight into current state. 2.1 PKK / Kurdish Nationalist Party Kurds are mainly in the eastern part of Turkey, northern part of Syria and Iraq as well. The total Kurdish population amounts to 22.6 million (Aras 93). They are regarded as ethnic minority but started separatist movement against Turkey in the 1970s. Kemal Ataturk gave very strong fundamentals on which Turkey nationalism is based on. Turks are therefore, extremely rigid on any change in these fundamentals which include one nationality, language and exclusion of religion from governance. These principles by Kemal Ataturk led to the exclusion of Kurds from Turkish society (Sayyid 66). Their language not being Turkish and refusal to abide by Turkish laws for seculari sm lead to evolution of Kurdish opposition groups and hence the formation of PKK. Kurds are known as the largest ethnic minority and they demand separate land to practice their language, traditions and customs. Kurdish language was banned from schools in Turkey and checks were imposed on public use of this language. Bans were even imposed to restrict distribution of Kurdish songs by 1983 (Yildiz and Breau 11). PKK under these circumstances gained attention among Kurds in Syria and Iraq as well. The movement slowly gained momentum and attacks against Turkish military and state security departments started. Kurdish identity was accepted to some extend in 1991 under Prime Minister Turgut Ozal’s government. The ban on Kurdish language was removed, but its wide public use was still restricted (Eickelman and Anderson 192). 2.2 Syrian Support for PKK The shared border area between the two countries is mainly Kurdish majority area. This shared area provided a buffer for the Syrian go vernemnt to support Kurdish movement. Safe havens were provided to Kurdish chain of command along with military support including training camps in the 80s and 90s (Larrabee 14). The issue was recognised by Syria as an opportunity to politicise and form basis to start terror activities agaisnt Turkey. Military support provided to Kurds escalated the issue and isolated attacks on Turkish Military and state security increased particularly in this Kurd majority area. 2.3 Syrian Double Role Security
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Homosexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Homosexuality - Essay Example In order to understand homosexuality in a better way, we must understand the cause of homosexuality. Love between the members of any specific gender is the cause of homosexuality. Feelings of love and care are not gender specific. It is not necessary that these feelings always arise between the individuals belonging to opposite genders. Sometimes the feelings of love and care also arise between the individuals belonging to the same gender. Those feelings become the reason for any two individuals from the same gender to get involved in a relationship between each other, which is often referred as homosexuality. â€Å"Homosexuality involves our underlying bisexuality at play when we naturally feel more attracted to the same rather than the opposite sex†(Roy). Homosexuality also gives rise to another critical issue, which is same sex marriage. The government of the United States of America does not allow same sex marriages. The government of America believes that marriage is a sacred relationship, which should always involve individuals from opposite sexes whereas gay or lesbian marriages result in destroying the basic sprit of the relationship of marriage. However, in some states of America, courts have allowed people for same sex marriages. Some of those states include Massachusetts, Vermont, and Connecticut. The courts of these states declared that marriage is a civil right, so gays and lesbians also possess this right (Cahill 4). In these states, although people belonging to same sexes are allowed to get tied in marital relationships with each other, yet their marriages or living status as a couple is not regarded by the majority of the US population. Homosexual couples face many problems in any specific society. One of the major problems, which homosexual couples face, is the discouraging behavior of the people who know them. If we talk about homosexual marriages, we can say that majority of people usually do not encourage homosexual marriages because they think that such marriages are just for the fulfillment of sexual desires instead of making a sacred relationship. People believe that gay and lesbian couples adversely affect the norms and values of a society. People also look suspiciously towards gay and lesbian couples and do not respect them as traditional couples. Therefore, such couples undergo a hard struggle in order to be accepted by the society in which they live. Another issue, which homosexual couples face, is opposition from the supporters of traditional family systems. Traditional family supporters believe that family system is essential for the existence of a society. They firmly believe that men are made for wome n and women are made for men. They think that gay and lesbian couples weaken the foundations of a family system because neither they can give birth to babies nor they can completely fulfill the sexual desires of each other. Traditional family supporters also think that such marriages or relationships result in decreasing the work force of the country because of their inability to give birth to babies. The viewpoint of homosexual couples is different from the traditionalists. They believe that same sex marriages do not violate the family values as they also have the feelings of love
Turkey Syria Relations Since 1998 Research Paper
Turkey Syria Relations Since 1998 - Research Paper Example The relation in general remained undulating with both countries involved in sabotage and terror activities. The base of this relation was laid with the joining of Hatay Province from Syria to Turkey after referendum under the French mandate in 1939 (Federal Research Division 120). It caused serious anger and revolt in Syrians and this hatred lead to deterioration of relations after the Syrian independence. The relations are made more complicated with each representing different blocks of Islamic sects; Sunni and Shia blocks. The Arabs along with Turkey consist of Sunni majority whereas; Iran and Syria represent the Shia block. Each block is backed by group of countries and strong ties among people are maintained with Islam being the pillar. The relations, however, took new turn in 1998 and a limited period of golden era soon followed. 2. Adana Agreement Adana Agreement was signed in October 1998 and it gave way to efforts for increased cooperation and dialogue among the two countries (Khalilzad, Lesser, and Larrabee 33). Under this agreement, security meetings, hotline, exchange of high level security officials as well as diplomatic missions started. The events that lead to this agreement however, must be discussed to give perspective and insight into current state. 2.1 PKK / Kurdish Nationalist Party Kurds are mainly in the eastern part of Turkey, northern part of Syria and Iraq as well. The total Kurdish population amounts to 22.6 million (Aras 93). They are regarded as ethnic minority but started separatist movement against Turkey in the 1970s. Kemal Ataturk gave very strong fundamentals on which Turkey nationalism is based on. Turks are therefore, extremely rigid on any change in these fundamentals which include one nationality, language and exclusion of religion from governance. These principles by Kemal Ataturk led to the exclusion of Kurds from Turkish society (Sayyid 66). Their language not being Turkish and refusal to abide by Turkish laws for seculari sm lead to evolution of Kurdish opposition groups and hence the formation of PKK. Kurds are known as the largest ethnic minority and they demand separate land to practice their language, traditions and customs. Kurdish language was banned from schools in Turkey and checks were imposed on public use of this language. Bans were even imposed to restrict distribution of Kurdish songs by 1983 (Yildiz and Breau 11). PKK under these circumstances gained attention among Kurds in Syria and Iraq as well. The movement slowly gained momentum and attacks against Turkish military and state security departments started. Kurdish identity was accepted to some extend in 1991 under Prime Minister Turgut Ozal’s government. The ban on Kurdish language was removed, but its wide public use was still restricted (Eickelman and Anderson 192). 2.2 Syrian Support for PKK The shared border area between the two countries is mainly Kurdish majority area. This shared area provided a buffer for the Syrian go vernemnt to support Kurdish movement. Safe havens were provided to Kurdish chain of command along with military support including training camps in the 80s and 90s (Larrabee 14). The issue was recognised by Syria as an opportunity to politicise and form basis to start terror activities agaisnt Turkey. Military support provided to Kurds escalated the issue and isolated attacks on Turkish Military and state security increased particularly in this Kurd majority area. 2.3 Syrian Double Role Security
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Coral Reef and Australia Essay Example for Free
Coral Reef and Australia Essay The great outback! Hey mate! Ever wanted to take an adventurous trip somewhere, but you’re not sure where? Well Australia would be the perfect place to start! Three reasons why Australia should be the first place you visit are for starters, the amazing scenery and beauty of the country, Secondly the exquisite variety of food, and lastly, the unique culture. Australia has one of the most breath taking sceneries in the world, all the way from the Great Barrier Reef to the city of Melbourne. The Great Barrier Reef is known for being the largest coral reef in the world; it is so incredibly vast that it can even be seen all the way from outer space. It is also unbelievably beautiful. Other beautiful places to visit in Australia are the Sydney harbor, which was the first settlement in Australia and you can also find the iconic Sydney opera house there, the beautiful island of Tasmania which is the most mountainous region of Australia and is dotted with beautiful flowing rivers and waterfalls, and also another iconic symbol of Australia the Uluru rock, this rock is famed for its amazing color changes as the sun sets and rises. Australia has so many beautiful sights to visit, which is one fantastic reason to visit Australia. Australian cuisine can vary from your common everyday food that we have here in America, to all kinds of interesting and exotic foods native to Australia. The term â€Å"bush tucker†is used to describe a certain type of cuisine in Australia, that is made up of the native foods in Australia, such as kangaroo, emu, or even crocodile. A lot of foods in Australia contain seafood, as Australia is the third largest fishing zone in the world. Some iconic foods of Australia are, for one, the Chiko roll, a deep-fried savory roll that is also similar to a spring roll. Other iconic foods are vegemite, macadamia nuts, violet crumble, cherry ripe Jaffa’s, and many other different foods. The food in Australia is often described as exotic and delicious. This stimulating food variety is just another great reason why Australia should be at the top on your list of places to visit. The culture in Australia is very interesting and fun, especially if you’re into surfing and water sports, which are very big in Australia, along with other sports such as rugby, cricket, and soccer. Australia is also big into country music, which may come as a surprise to some people, but some great country singers have come from Australia such as Keith Urban. The common apparel in Australia is called surf wear or bush wear, and is very popular among many of the Australian people. As far as religion goes, Australia has no official one, but according to the Australian census, most people are either Christian or irreligious. Most of the Christian are either Roman Catholic, Anglican, or apart of the uniting church. As you now know, Australia has a very interesting and diverse culture, which is the last reason why you should make visiting Australia a priority. In conclusion, Australia is stunningly gorgeous and has many captivating sights and historical scenery to visit while you’re there. It also has a very unique and beloved cuisine that is unlike any other in the world and accordingly very great tasting. Lastly, the variety of culture is just amazing and so fascinating. These are the three main reasons why your next vacation should be a trip to the great outback! See you ther!
Monday, October 14, 2019
Benefits Of Technology Contribution To Developing Countries
Benefits Of Technology Contribution To Developing Countries In such fast growing economies, multinational companies are relying heavily on technology to maintain their competitive position in the global platform. To do so, multinational companies constantly expand into new markets and hence their success is partly determined by their ability to transfer technology to local companies (Chen (1996), Chung (2001)). Transfer of technology is a foremost strategy initiated by the multinational companies during their international expansion. Technology transfer is defined as the transmission of know-how to suit local environments, with effective absorption and diffusion both within and across countries (CHung (2001) and Tihanyi Roath (2002). Transfer of technology is not as simple as it looks it involves a series of complex procedures starting from the multinational companies capability of teaching, the local companies capacity of learning and the complex integration between the two companies (Griffith, Kiessling and Dabic, 2005). Technology gives c ompanies the competitive edge to strive and compete in the global world. It is integrated with every value adding activity of the company and helps in achieving these activities (Porter, 1980). Technology helps in improving and maintaining quality levels and competitive edge of the products. It also helps in reducing the productions cost and increase manufacturing productivity by improving efficiency (Gisselquist Grether, 2000). Every country (developing and developed) spends large amount of funds to attract foreign investments. This investment can be in terms of foreign direct investments in stocks of local companies or in terms of investing in the countrys properties real estate or opening up a manufacturing plant in the country. The reasons noted for such behavior by the governments of developing and developed country is to strengthen their economy and technology sophistication and upgradation. When a multinational company is operating in foreign (developing) country, it happens to brings in new technologies and ways of working to the local country. Thus helping the country to upgrade its technological know-how. In this paper, the author will first highlight the importance of technology contribution by multinationals and later evaluates the factors that will determine the whether or not the transferred technology provides benefits or is a disadvantage to the host country. The role of multinational companies as an agent of technology transfer for economic development of less developed countries is potential and very important (Bruce Peters, 1979). FOR MNCS: Keeping aside few instances that have taken place and the points noted against the multinational companies in less developing countries. We cannot ignore the fact that these multinational companies have played a vital role in technological and overall development of developing countries. Starting from transfer of technology to bringing new ways of managing business to improving productivity to making local business competitive in comparison to the world. The contribution of the multinational companies in less developed countries is noteworthy (Aswathappa, 2008). Multinational companies and developing countries have different goals, hence they should try to come together and find mutual goals and benefits. This could be in terms of resource identification, technology selection and advancement. It is known that the world is dependent on each other for few or more things. It is the developing countries that are dependent on multinational companies from developed countries for help in te rm of technological development and stronger economies. Similarly, the multinational companies are dependent on these developing countries for cheap labor and land. Their goal is mutual and hence by working together can realize benefits for each other. Against MNCS: There are many cases and instances which show that the multinationals technology contribution to developing countries is hardly suitable. Multinational companies develop technologies that are highly capital intensive whereas the technologies needed by the developing countries are labor intensive. Thus this makes the technology contribution as less suitable, also multinational companies charge heavily in the forms of fees, duties and royalties for the usage of their technology. Thus making the technology very expensive for the developing countries. On several occasions it has been noted that that multinational companies or foreign companies operating in developing countries are dumping technologies by using obsolete technology with the help of turnkey projects. It is also noted that multinational companies try to make local companies dependent on their technology and expertise and thus making revenues by contributing obsolete technologies. For example: Indian government did its best t o attract foreign companies and investment with a hope that these multinational companies would help reach its goal of having best technology around the globe and strong export hub. This goal of India is not yet been realized with the exports falling and the global financial crisis still showing some of its effect in India. Likewise, other developing countries have been disappointed at many occasions. Today the word green is associated with the global warming; many companies have gone green meaning they have taken the initiative to use eco friendly methods to minimize their impact on the environments. Developing countries attracted multinational companies with the hope of setting up Greenfield projects which would in turn help to maximize their manufacturing capacity. The goal is yet to be achieved. government of developing countries attract foreign companies in order to bring new technologies to country but these foreign companies in turn either acquire local companies or merge wi th them, thus keeping the country away from new technology and manufacturing abilities. Many less developed countries have now kept environment on their first priority. Countries are now becoming more concerned about the impact that multinationals create on the environment due to certain technologies that they use (Aswathappa, 2008). POTENTIAL FACTORS: It is also very important to note the factors that will determine whether the technology transferred will be of benefit to the developing country or not. Griffith et al., (2006) uses an environment strategy performance framework to identify the role of market (i.e. competitive intensity and market dynamics) and cultural environmental (national cultural distance and organizational cultural distance) factors on international technology transfer to developing countries. During a survey conducted to find out the direct efforts of market and cultural environmental factors on transfer of technology with 131 managers working in a subsidiary of multinational company. It was found that market dynamism factors were more influential market environmental factor than competitive intensity. Whereas national cultural distance was less influential cultural environment factor than organizational cultural distance. The report also highlighted a very important and pivotal relationship between transfe r of technology and subsidiary performance (Griffith et al., 2006) Summary Multinational companies are businesses that carry out operations across globe. They are the most active players in the world of international business they have been often charged on several grounds like taking advantage of poor countries, their interests override the interests of developing nations and they have a tendency to bribe the less developed country government to make policies and regulations favorable to them. It is widely known that each coin have two sides, there are pros and then there are cons, there is opportunity and then there is risk. multinational companies are very important in terms of technology contribution but then there are risks of obsolete technology, technology dumping, impact on environment etc. thus developing countryà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s government should list few factors that would help them to determine whether the technology contribution by multinationals is benefit to the host country or not. A research conducted by Gibson and Smilor suggests that there are four variables i.e. communication interactivity, cultural and geographical distance, technology equivocally and personal motivation play very important role in technology transfer within and between companies (Gibson and Smilor, 1991). In another research conducted by Rebentisch and Ferretti (1995), they found that four categories, Transfer Scope, Transfer Method, Knowledge Architecture, and Organizational Adaptive Ability, describe important elements of the transfer process. Transfer Scope describes the extent of embodied information being transferred. Transfer Method describes the approaches used to transfer the technology. Knowledge Architecture describes the structure and the interdependencies between the firms knowledge assets. Organizational Adaptive Ability describes an organizations ability to change its knowledge architecture over time.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
City of Angels :: essays papers
City of Angels The film City of Angels depicts the existence of an angel watching over a doctor who is deeply shaken by the loss of one of her patients, thus making the reality of angels on earth a possibility for me. Not only does this film make me seriously consider the existence of celestial beings, but I now believe in the possibility that a guardian angel is looking after me. The belief in such beings can be comforting during times of need and in matters of life and death. City of Angels portrays the grace of Heaven meeting the beauty of Earth. Two souls, one mortal and one celestial, must struggle with their willingness and their need to sacrifice everything familiar for the sake of love. Seth is the guardian angel who watches over Dr. Maggie Rice. After learning that it is possible for an angel to become mortal if his love for a woman is deep enough, he realizes the strength of his love for Maggie and agrees to fall from heaven to be with her. Until I watched City of Angels, the thought of invisible beings guiding and protecting me was not a major interest of mine. At the age of eight my uncle, whom I was very close to, passed away, and his death was tragic. Being young and not understanding the concept of death, I had endless questions. â€Å"Where do people go when they die?†â€Å"Is there really a heaven or hell?†â€Å"Are their souls still on earth, just not visible to humans?†Providing some explanation to my uncertainties, the scene in the film involving a library book with a mysterious origin suggests one method in which angels could convey subliminal messages. Seth leaves the book with a section marked for Maggie to consider the existence of angels around her. This scene gives me the sense of spiritual beings roaming earth after death. So where is my late uncle now? In contrast with the belief that a person’s soul travels to Heaven or Hell after death, I feel that my uncle’s soul is still nearby. It is clear that my uncle is my guardian angel. Similarly to the scene in City of Angels where Seth leaves the book on the nightstand to send a message, I have felt as though my uncle was present in a time of concern. City of Angels :: essays papers City of Angels The film City of Angels depicts the existence of an angel watching over a doctor who is deeply shaken by the loss of one of her patients, thus making the reality of angels on earth a possibility for me. Not only does this film make me seriously consider the existence of celestial beings, but I now believe in the possibility that a guardian angel is looking after me. The belief in such beings can be comforting during times of need and in matters of life and death. City of Angels portrays the grace of Heaven meeting the beauty of Earth. Two souls, one mortal and one celestial, must struggle with their willingness and their need to sacrifice everything familiar for the sake of love. Seth is the guardian angel who watches over Dr. Maggie Rice. After learning that it is possible for an angel to become mortal if his love for a woman is deep enough, he realizes the strength of his love for Maggie and agrees to fall from heaven to be with her. Until I watched City of Angels, the thought of invisible beings guiding and protecting me was not a major interest of mine. At the age of eight my uncle, whom I was very close to, passed away, and his death was tragic. Being young and not understanding the concept of death, I had endless questions. â€Å"Where do people go when they die?†â€Å"Is there really a heaven or hell?†â€Å"Are their souls still on earth, just not visible to humans?†Providing some explanation to my uncertainties, the scene in the film involving a library book with a mysterious origin suggests one method in which angels could convey subliminal messages. Seth leaves the book with a section marked for Maggie to consider the existence of angels around her. This scene gives me the sense of spiritual beings roaming earth after death. So where is my late uncle now? In contrast with the belief that a person’s soul travels to Heaven or Hell after death, I feel that my uncle’s soul is still nearby. It is clear that my uncle is my guardian angel. Similarly to the scene in City of Angels where Seth leaves the book on the nightstand to send a message, I have felt as though my uncle was present in a time of concern.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
An Inspirationally Destructive Red Pen Essay -- Essays Papers
An Inspirationally Destructive Red Pen When children first start school they begin a new extensive journey, first meeting all new people and then having to learn a broad array of new things. One of those new things is how to read and also write. Teachers start out slow by having students write in big capital letters on funny looking red and green striped paper, next moving on to cursive letters with still that same silly paper. After a short while the students are on their own, writing notes for classes, notes to friends and family, along with research papers and stories for their teachers in school. And that is where my story begins, room 216 on the second floor of Pottsville Area High School. School had just started; it was the fall of my sophomore year. I was excited about having new teachers and being able to boss around those little freshmen since I had finally lost that ridiculous title of â€Å"freshy.†Although one class did turn all that excitement right into knots in my stomach, it was English 10. Ugh I hated English, partially because I could never remember all those rules of writing, which I had just thought of as â€Å"dumb.†I figured, â€Å"Why would I ever need to know all them? Computers will be able to fix all my mistakes for me!†As I would soon find out, boy was I ever wrong. Surprisingly, class was going good; our teacher Mr. Mieckowski seemed to be a little weird and quite boring at times but all in all not too bad I mean who isn’t boring occasionally? He had a shiny head with very little hair and never wore long sleeves to class. He was also quite tall and skinny, so everyone had his or her own conclusion about Mr. Mie ckowski’s personal life. A lot of the time this ended up being the topic of conversation for his students, along with his hatred towards icicle lights, white reindeer, and especially technology; the thing I loved most. We spent most of the first month in Mr. M.’s class just going over â€Å"the infamous page one†as he liked to call it and just reading some great pieces of literature, including Of Mice and Men and Julius Caesar. Then one winter day, we all came into his cool green room and sat down, chatting with our neighbors as usual until the bell rang to signify the start of class. When the bell rang, our teacher began talking about our upcoming assignments; he told us we would be writing 3 essays during the next ... .... My faced turned pale, I knew for sure I was one of those exceptions. He began to discretely pass our papers back to us. Everyone was getting his or her papers except me. Sure enough I was on the bottom of the pile. I didn’t even want to look at it. While everyone was asking their friends how they had done, I just sat there. Griff then asked me how I did and I replied, â€Å"I dunno, you tell me†and handed him my paper. He looked at it and said, â€Å"Damn you beat me†I was shocked I looked at it; I had received a 97%. I just felt as though I wanted to jump out of my seat and scream. I would have had a 100 except for a few spelling errors, probably due to how fast I had written the final copy. Disregarding those lost 3 points, I was ecstatic. My paper was a work of art to me I wanted to frame it and hang it on my wall at that point. As time went on that excitement wore off and I realized it just wasn’t a paper I had written, it was a story along wit h an instructional guide I had written in my mind on how to write a paper. From that point on I knew I could tackle any paper those teachers could throw at me and it was all thanks to Mr. Mieckowski and his inspirationally destructive red pen. An Inspirationally Destructive Red Pen Essay -- Essays Papers An Inspirationally Destructive Red Pen When children first start school they begin a new extensive journey, first meeting all new people and then having to learn a broad array of new things. One of those new things is how to read and also write. Teachers start out slow by having students write in big capital letters on funny looking red and green striped paper, next moving on to cursive letters with still that same silly paper. After a short while the students are on their own, writing notes for classes, notes to friends and family, along with research papers and stories for their teachers in school. And that is where my story begins, room 216 on the second floor of Pottsville Area High School. School had just started; it was the fall of my sophomore year. I was excited about having new teachers and being able to boss around those little freshmen since I had finally lost that ridiculous title of â€Å"freshy.†Although one class did turn all that excitement right into knots in my stomach, it was English 10. Ugh I hated English, partially because I could never remember all those rules of writing, which I had just thought of as â€Å"dumb.†I figured, â€Å"Why would I ever need to know all them? Computers will be able to fix all my mistakes for me!†As I would soon find out, boy was I ever wrong. Surprisingly, class was going good; our teacher Mr. Mieckowski seemed to be a little weird and quite boring at times but all in all not too bad I mean who isn’t boring occasionally? He had a shiny head with very little hair and never wore long sleeves to class. He was also quite tall and skinny, so everyone had his or her own conclusion about Mr. Mie ckowski’s personal life. A lot of the time this ended up being the topic of conversation for his students, along with his hatred towards icicle lights, white reindeer, and especially technology; the thing I loved most. We spent most of the first month in Mr. M.’s class just going over â€Å"the infamous page one†as he liked to call it and just reading some great pieces of literature, including Of Mice and Men and Julius Caesar. Then one winter day, we all came into his cool green room and sat down, chatting with our neighbors as usual until the bell rang to signify the start of class. When the bell rang, our teacher began talking about our upcoming assignments; he told us we would be writing 3 essays during the next ... .... My faced turned pale, I knew for sure I was one of those exceptions. He began to discretely pass our papers back to us. Everyone was getting his or her papers except me. Sure enough I was on the bottom of the pile. I didn’t even want to look at it. While everyone was asking their friends how they had done, I just sat there. Griff then asked me how I did and I replied, â€Å"I dunno, you tell me†and handed him my paper. He looked at it and said, â€Å"Damn you beat me†I was shocked I looked at it; I had received a 97%. I just felt as though I wanted to jump out of my seat and scream. I would have had a 100 except for a few spelling errors, probably due to how fast I had written the final copy. Disregarding those lost 3 points, I was ecstatic. My paper was a work of art to me I wanted to frame it and hang it on my wall at that point. As time went on that excitement wore off and I realized it just wasn’t a paper I had written, it was a story along wit h an instructional guide I had written in my mind on how to write a paper. From that point on I knew I could tackle any paper those teachers could throw at me and it was all thanks to Mr. Mieckowski and his inspirationally destructive red pen.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Poetry Analysis Between Taylor Swift and William Blake
‘What connections did you find between poems studied this year and what links can you make between the world of your poets and your world? ’ Love and the breakdown of love or relationships is a theme explored in many poems. The songs Long Live by Taylor Swift and the poems The Sick Rose and The Garden of Love by William Blake all question and explore the theme of love. The song, Long Live, by Taylor Swift, was written in 2010. At first listening to the song, we hear a fun, buoyant song about love, friendship and loss.However, careful analysis reveals a complex piece of poetry that relies on its strong imagery and upbeat tune to convey strong meaning to the audience. Essentially, the song is about love or friendship and the loss of it. These themes are made known to the listener throughout the whole song. However, even though Swift is talking about the loss of love or friendship she does not sing about it in a sad, grim sort of way. She sings about it in a reminiscing way , saying that ‘I had the time of my life with you’ and she sings about all the idiosyncrasies she enjoyed throughout the relationship, rather than looking at the regret of lost love.Swift uses several poetic techniques to convey the message of the song to the listeners. She powerfully uses techniques such as repetition and rhyme. Repetition is used throughout the song. ‘Long live The walls we crashed through All the kingdom lights shined Just for me and you. ’ The word ‘remember’ is also repeated throughout the song. This word is significant as it shows the audience that although the song sounds happy and is upbeat, Swift is actually reminiscing about memories and the feeling of love which have now passed and are now gone. Rhyme is used to create rhythm throughout the song. The rhyming throughout the song is consistent.In the second and third stanza Swift uses a rhyme scheme of ‘ABCB’; ‘We were the kings and the queens And th ey read off our names The night you danced like you knew Our lives would never be the same’ With other parts of the song such as in; ‘I said, â€Å"Remember this moment†In the back of my mind The time we stood with our shaking hands The crowds in stands went wild’ Sight rhyme is used frequently used by Swift. The use of the words ‘mind’ and ‘wild’ in the second stanza highlight this technique. Like Taylor Swift’s song Long Live, William Blake’s poem The Sick Rose is also about the breakdown of love and about how love has fled.The Sick Rose is from a collection of his poems known as Poems of Experience that were published in 1794. Blake tells the story of a rose and how a worm came and slowly destroyed it. The rose and the worm in this poem are both used as metaphors to convey the actual meaning of the poem to the reader. The rose is a metaphor for love where the worm is a metaphor for something such as jealousy or i nfidelity that destroyed the relationship. The rose and the worm are both used as strong, contrasting images. We associate the picture of a rose with love and beauty where a worm is seen as disgusting and as some sort of infestation.These two powerful images are keys to the vitality of Blake’s message. Blake also uses a strict rhyme scheme of ‘ABCB’ throughout the poem; ‘O Rose, thou art sick! The invisible worm That flies in the night, In the howling storm,’ The Garden of Love, also written by William Blake and contained in his collection, Poems of Experience, is also a poem about loss. Like both Long Live and The sick Rose, The Garden of Love talks about the loss of something beautiful, in this case it is the loss of a garden he used to play in called The Garden of Love. Blake tells the story of how he has gone back to The Garden of Love but everything had changed.Instead of the green grass he used to play on stood a chapel and where flowers should have been growing were instead tombstones. Blake also uses strong contrasting images in this poem with the flowers and tombstones. Flowers are seen as beautiful and happy where gravestones are seen as the exact opposite, ugly and grim. These two powerful images are important to get across Blake’s message to the audience of losing something so beautiful. The Garden of Love also follows a strict rhyme scheme of ‘ABCB’; ‘I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen: A Chapel was built in the midst,Where I used to play on the green’ The last stanza however, does not follow this rhyme scheme. Instead Blake uses internal rhyme in the last line with the words ‘briers’ and ‘desires’; ‘And binding with briers my joys and desires’ The three pieces of poetry are all connected through their meaning of the loss of something. Unlike Blake, Swift sings about the loss of love in as experiential. Instead of looki ng at the breakdown of the relationship in a depressed manner, she instead sings about it in a cheerful way about the positive things that happened throughout the relationship.Swift and Blake both use the technique of sight rhyme in their poems. Swift uses it with the words ‘mind’ and ‘wild’ and Blake with ‘storm’ and ‘worm’ in The Sick Rose and ‘love’ and ‘bore’ in The Garden of Love. Even though Taylor Swift and William Blake lived centuries apart, they both talked about loss in similar ways. Both poets use strong rhythms and images to convey the message of the poems. Above all else, the three poems are connected through their meaning of loss which is a part of life everyone experiences. Word Count: 987
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Nestle Market Research
Introduction In this research work the company chosen is Nestle. We have tried to cover the brief history of the company, vision, mission and objectives of the company. This brief history and other sub heading under company background is compulsory to be understood and researched well as they form the basis for marketing plan of the company. We have also tried to cover the internal and external environments for the company and countries for its future rowth and further marketing planning strategy Analysis 1. Nestle Worldwide 1. 1. Overview of Nestle All over the planet, people know Nestle. Nestle is a Swiss multinational nutritional and health-related consumer goods company headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. It is the largest food company in the world measured by revenues among the world's 40 largest corporations. Nestle was founded in 1867 by Henri Nestle. Its international R;amp;D network supports the products made in more than 500 factories in 86 countries.The Nestle factories a re operating in the region of: 1. Africa 2. America 3. Asia 4. Europe 5. Oceania Being a company dedicated to food from the beginning, Nestle remains sensitive to culinary and eating habits, and responds to specific nutritional problems, whilst also setting and matching new trends such as growing out-of-home consumption and caring about the well being of its consumers Nestle’s Philosophy: Good Food, Good Life is the very essence of Nestle and this philosophy can be traced back to our beginnings. 1. 2. Nestle’s VisionThe Nestle global vision is to be the leading Company in health, wellness and nutrition in the world. In particular, they envision to: * Meet the needs of consumers of every age group from infancy to old age, for nutrition and pleasure, through development of a large variety of food categories of the highest quality. * Lead an extremely motivated and professionally trained workforce, which would drive growth through innovation and renovation. * Deliver shar eholder value through profitable long-term growth, while continuing to play a significant and responsible role in the ocial, economic and environmental sectors of the country. s * Nestle brands are the preferred choice in their categories. Consumer insight drives all aspects of Nestle’s marketing and communication efforts. 1. 3. Nestle’s Mission Nestle’s mission, in the words of our founder Henri Nestle, is: â€Å"Nestle is dedicated to providing the best foods to people throughout their day, throughout their lives, throughout the world. With our unique experience of anticipating consumers' needs and creating solutions, Nestle contributes to your well-being and enhances your quality of life. 1. 4. Nestle’s Objectives Nestle’s objectives are to be recognized as a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company trusted by all its stakeholders, and to be the reference for financial performance in its industry. Its chief objectives are: * To achieve compatibility with international voluntary standards on environmental management systems. * To build mutual trust with consumers, governmental authorities and business partners. * To ensure continuous improvement of Nestles environmental performance. Conservation of natural resources and minimization of waste. * Total compliance with the laws. * To establish the benchmark for good business practice. * Employing new technologies and processing. By committing to resources, both human and financial. Measuring the cost and benefits to business of its activities 1. 5. Product mix of Nestle Baby foods| Cerelac, Gerber, Gerber Graduates, NaturNes, Nestum| Bottled water| Nestle Pure Life, Perrier, Poland Spring, S.Pellegrino| Cereals| Chocapic, Cini Minis, Cookie Crisp, Estrelitas, Fitness, Nesquik Cereal| Chocolate & Confectionery| Aero, Butterfinger, Cailler, Crunch, Kit Kat, Orion, Smarties, Wonka| Coffee | Nescafe, Nescafe 3 in 1, Nescafe Cappuccino, Nescafe Classic, Nes cafe Decaff, Nescafe Dolce Gusto, Nescafe Gold, Nespresso| Culinary,chilled and frozen food| Buitoni, Herta, Hot Pockets, Lean Cuisine, Maggi, Stouffer's, Thomy| Dairy | Carnation, Coffee-Mate, La Laitiere, Nido| Drinks | Juicy Juice, Milo, Nesquik, Nestea|Food service| Chef, Chef-Mate, Maggi, Milo, Minor’s, Nescafe, Nestea, Sjora, Lean Cuisine, Stouffer's| Healthcare nutrition| Boost, Nutren Junior, Peptamen, Resource| Ice cream| Dreyer’s, Extreme, Haagen-Dazs, Movenpick, Nestle Ice Cream| Pet care| Alpo, Bakers Complete, Beneful, Cat Chow, Chef Michael’s Canine Creations, Dog Chow, Fancy Feast, Felix, Friskies, Gourmet, Purina, Purina ONE, Pro Plan| Sports nutrition| Power Bar| Weight management| Jenny Craig| 2. Environment of Nestle 2. 1.Internal business environment 2. 1. 1 Managers Nestle Company is a decentralized organization that organized according to matrix structure. Nestle Company as a decentralized organization allows its subordinate organizations t o enjoy a relatively high-level of autonomy. Although it still makes major strategy decisions at the headquarter level, daily operations are left up to subordinate organizations to derive and implement. The responsibility for operating decisions is pushed down to local units.Nestle has a strong top management team which runs on strong values and principles of the company. The efficient top management of the company is able to run finance, operation, marketing, logistics, sales, and research and development departments with great success which ultimately leads to the fulfillment of the goal of the organization. Senior members are of diverse origins and backgrounds. * Board of Directors The Board of Directors is the ultimate governing body of the Company. It is responsible for the ultimate supervision of the Group.The Board attends to all matters which are not reserved for the Annual General Meeting or another governance body of the Company by law, the Articles of Association or speci fic regulations issued by the Board of Directors. * Chairman The Chairman has the right to represent the organization to implement the company’s rights and obligations, take responsibility to the law and the owners of the organization about the rights and duties are assigned, strategizing development plans of the company and organization those through the decision of the Board. CEO The Board of Directors delegates to the CEO, with the authorization to sub delegate, the power to manage the Company’s and the Group are business, subject to law, the Articles of Association and the Regulations of the Board of Directors. The CEO chairs the Executive Board and delegates to its members individually the powers necessary for carrying out their responsibilities, within the limits fixed in the Executive Board’s Regulations. 2. 1. 2. EmployeesThe Nestle team comprises around 328,000 employees, 29% are based in Europe, 33. 6% in the Americas and 37. 4% in Asia, Oceania and Af rica. Their challenge is to combine strategic corporate leadership with strong, responsive local leadership to achieve consistent high levels of performance and corporate responsibility across their business Nestle has a rich working culture which motivates its employees to serve best to its customers with the help of the variety present in their product range.Nestle has included the benefits of the employees in the goal statement of the organization as the management of the company strongly believe that the productivity, quality and the dependability will reflect on the product only if the employees take care of all these factors. Different departments of the company work to contribute in the growth of the organization and these departments not only keep the customer's needs and demand in mind but also keep the same type of attention for the internal customers of Nestle.The company believes if the internal market of the company is fully satisfied, the internal market will be able t o serve to its customers and able to understand their needs and able to manufacture the products which can fulfill these needs 2. 2. External environment 2. 2. 1. Customers The immediate customers of Nestle are retail and grocery stores which provide the products of the company to the end customers at a reasonable price and a reasonable profit.The end customers of Nestle are the consumers who consume its wide range of product. The company has a bright brand image in its big pool of end customers. Nestle has an extensive marketing network to figure out the target customers, it has marketing specialist to understand the market place and the customer needs, secondly to is spending a lot to figure out the customer’s preferences regarding the substitutes of its products in order to bring the customers on board and retain them.Nestle has an extensive market share, due to the reason that its customers are brand loyal and do not compromise over quality and same is the case with the c ompany’s quality assurance (QA) team. One of the principle strategies that Nestle utilizes is to produce differentiated products for each age group in order to get a high market share and preferences over others. 2. 2. 2. Suppliers Suppliers provide the resources like labor and material resources to produce goods and services. They add to customer overall value delivery system.Labor supplies include handling of * Quantity of labor * Quality of labor * Labor strikes * Labor relations Material supplies deals with the * Quantity of material * Quality of material * Price of material * Stability of material inputs * Delivery delays Nestle efficiently handles the quality, quantity, price and stability of both material and labor supplies. Management maps out the strategies for labor strikes, supply shortages and delays to avoid increasing the cost of production, which can badly affect sales in short run and customer satisfaction in long run. . 2. 3. Competitors Competitors also play a vital role in effecting the way in which the organization operates, competitors are basically the rival firms in the same market which is providing the same product in the case of Nestle the are many competitors since there is a wide range of products offered by Nestle Nestle's largest international competitors are Kraft Foods, Unilever and Mars Incorporated. It also faces competition in local markets or specific product ranges from numerous companies, including Sara Lee and DanoneNescafe is one of the world-famous brands of Nestle with a long history of development and illustrious reputation. Therefore we choose this brand to go deeper analysis of its production as well as its distribution. 3. Input and output 3. 1. Inputs 3. 1. 1. Raw material Coffee beans and water are the basic ingredients used to make coffee, but there are as many ways to make coffee as there are coffee drinkers. All Nescafe coffees are made of 100% pure coffee beans. The only exceptions are our ready-made c offee mixes and mixtures. They contain other ingredients such as whitener and sugar, which are commonly added to coffee.Raw materials are selected from the freshest coffee beans through the production process with the highest quality standards, properly roasted to keep the aroma of coffee are naturally charming 3. 1. 2. Labor Teams of professional preparation and testing are well trained. The sensitive senses of coffee experts allow them to recognize the best qualities as grinding, roasting and tasting raw materials. 3. 1. 3. Technology The company also has modern production technology and strictly quality control system in all stages of production. 3. 2. Outputs 3. 2. 1. Nescafe’s productsNescafe products include: Nescafe Original, Nescafe Classic, Nescafe Clasico, Nescafe Gold Blend, Nescafe Black Gold, Nescafe Special Filtre (in France), Cafe Parisien (The Paris experience), Nescafe Allen, Nescafe Espresso, Nescafe Red Cup, Nescafe Blend†¦ to name just a few. 3. 2. 2. Distribution Nescafe also be distributed under Nestle’s distribution system with the 2 major channels of distribution: Traditional distribution channels and Modern distribution channels. * Traditional distribution channels (grocery): Organize the sales staff to distribute products to individual households through market channels & shop. Modern distribution channels (key account): Deliver goods to consumers through supermarket, metro or distribution chain system. Furthermore Nestle is currently holding Out Of Home (OOH) distribution channel such as restaurants, hotels, at-work, factories, etc†¦ There are specific products for this channel to cater fully for the professional chef, a full merchandise to cater to the world standard hotel as 5 star hotels or the high-rate corporate office †¦ called NESTLE PROFESSIONAL parts distribution. 3. 3. Research for production of Nescafe-Nestle in VietnamTo ensure a large output power, the company must be combined with the Vi etnamese government to build long-term plan for raw materials to ensure the production of the company. Build strategic Materials areas by combining with fertilizer companies and agricultural extension centers to sign a contract directly with farmers. Furthermore, collaborate with scientists and local authorities in the provinces of Dak Lak, Lam Dong and Dong Nai-the key coffee growing regions in Vietnam- to build the model farm, offering new varieties of high yield and send some Vietnamese scientists to some Center of research and development in developing countries.Regarding technology, the big companies like Nestle will find advanced technology in the world to ensure that few workers record the highest results. Moreover, the company will provide technical assistance to coffee growers so that they can provide better quality and have higher income About labor at the factory the company will cooperate with Vietnamese Ministry of Labor to learn about the workforce in Vietnam or the co mpany will cooperate with the local center for workers promotion or the surrounding areas to make sure human resources are available if the company needs.The company will have a separate department to do this. 4. Manufacturing process * Harvesting It all starts on the plantations, where farmers tend to the coffee plants and harvest the coffee cherries, usually by hand. The next thing they have to do is separate the bean from the outer shell of the cherry. This is done either by drying the beans in the sun or by washing them in a pulping machine before drying them. * Drying To get at the coffee beans inside each cherry, the beans need to be separated from the skin, pulpa and parchment.This is achieved by drying the cherries under the sun or by soaking the cherries in hot water. The dry beans have a greenish tinge and are therefore known as ‘green beans'. They are usually exported for blending and roasting. By combining different types of beans you can give the resulting coffee a more rounded taste. Once you have the right blend of beans, the most important phase of coffee production begins: the roasting * Roasting Once the green coffee beans have been selected, the beans need to be roasted to release the aroma and taste we know as coffee. In fact, this important rocess is one of the most fundamental parts in producing the flavorful taste and rich aroma of NESCAFE coffees. During roasting, the coffee beans expand and change in color. They turn to yellow once they absorb heat and then to brown as the beans lose their water content. The beans turn darker as they release their oils, giving the coffee its flavor. Depending on the roasting equipment and the desired flavor of the coffee, green beans are roasted at between 180 °C and 240 °C for between three and fifteen minutes. * Grinding After roasting, the beans are ready for grinding.The particle size of the grind; whether coarse or medium, fine or very fine depends on the brewing method and equipment use d. Grinding increases the surface area of the coffee, allowing the flavor to be extracted more easily. * Processing To make NESCAFE ® Pure Soluble Coffee, the ground coffee is put into an industrial percolator containing hot water under pressure to brew a highly concentrated liquid coffee, called coffee liquor. The coffee liquor is then spray dried by passing it through a continuous stream of hot air, changing it into fine particles.This is the process for making NESCAFE CLASSIC ® coffee. Alternatively, the coffee liquor is snap frozen and then ground into the required particle size. The particles are suspended in a vacuum tunnel with low heat, causing ice crystals to form and leaving particles of freeze-dried NESCAFE GOLD ® coffee. 5. Marketing strategy for Nescafe in Vietnam 5. 1. Price Launch several product lines aimed at the large and diverse segment of the market. Each segment has different product lines with reasonable price and can be accepted but still ensure high qua lity. For classes of consumers with high incomes and interested in quality: the Nescafe Gold, Premium with higher prices and higher quality compared to other common products * For classes of consumers with average incomes – a large segment: with Blend 43, Mild Roast, Espresso products †¦ consumers receive economic benefits as well as product quality. * For young people: new product such as Latte with the relative prices. Deploy promotions, discounts to attract customers and increase purchasing power 5. 2. PlaceBuild strong distribution network with distributors and retailers to cover the market with high density. Develop the retail system to ensure the company's products are available to serve customers: retail outlets at premier sites e. g. Bus stand, Railway station†¦ Implement incentive policy about pricing and commission to agents to encourage them to introduce and offer products to customers at the reasonable price. Other than that, Nestle can put their vending machine in a place that always full of people such as shopping mall, airport, hospital, school and any other place.Associate with supermarkets and shopping centers by opening sophisticated parlors with more value added services; improve the area, type and number of the company’s products here. Expand promoting trade into neighboring countries such as Laos, Cambodia, west Asia countries, where Nestle’s products are not available or do not meet the requirements. 5. 3. Promotion Take advantages of company such as brand reputation, quality products to increase market share Use mass media to advertise products to consumers: * TV commercial * Magazine and newspaper advertizing * Public event * Online advertizing Social networking Use other form of advertising such as non-media communication or advertising. Some of the ways are participating exhibitions, sponsorship activities, public relations and sales promotion such as giving freebies with good or reduced price Construct showrooms to introduce the company’s products and distribute sample products to the customers. Intensify customer care service by holding seminars about nutrition and healthiness, informing customer about Nestle’s products. References * Jafaa, M. S. (2009) Nestle Marketing strategy for Marketing Report – Nestle Milo [online].Publication 25 November 2009 [accessed 16 June 2012]. Available from: http://www. scribd. com/doc/26214574/5/Nestle-Marketing-strategy * Brabeck, P. (2011) Nestle Malaysia Marketing Strategy [online]. Publication 8 March 2011 [accessed 16 June 2012]. Available from: http://www. allfreepapers. com/print/Nestle-Malaysia-Marketing-Strategy/1020. html * Aziz, M. K. (2009) Marketing Management Strategies of Nestle [online]. Publication 20 May 2009 [accessed 18 June 2012]. Available from: http://www. scribd. com/doc/61960026/Nestle * Nescafe (2008) Coffee Production [online].Publication 18 December 2008 [accessed 19 June 2012]. Available from: htt p://www. nescafe. co. uk/coffee_production_en_co_uk. axcms * Khan, S. A. (2011) TQM 2nd Assignment on Nestle [online]. Publication 16 February 2011 [accessed 21 June 2012]. Available from: http://www. scribd. com/doc/86194068/TQM-2nd-Assignment-on-Nestle * Nestle (no date) Mission and Vision [online]. Vavey, Switzerland: Nestle [accessed 21 June 2012]. Available from: http://www. Nestle. co. za/aboutus/Pages/MissionVision. aspx * Nescafe (no date) Coffee Roasting [online]. Vavey, Switzerland: Nestle [accessed 21 June 2012].Available from: http://www. nescafe. com/coffee_roasting_en_com. axcms * Nescafe (no date) Coffee Ingredients [online]. Vavey, Switzerland: Nestle [accessed 21 June 2012]. Available from: http://www. nescafe. com/coffee_ingredients_en_com. axcms * Nestle (2011) Nescafe [online]. United Kingdom: Nestle UK [accessed 21 June 2012]. Available from: http://www. Nestle. co. uk/brands/coffee/Pages/Coffee. aspx * Nescafe (2011) Corp Governance Report 2011 [online]. Vavey, Switzerland: Nestle [accessed 23 June 2012]. Available from: http://www. Nestle. com/Media/Reports/Pages/Reports. aspx.
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