Sunday, January 26, 2020
Positive Effects of Eating Fruit
Positive Effects of Eating Fruit If you think about it, its logical for the human body to consume food that contains as much water as the body itself. The nutrition that meets that requirement is fruit. There is no other food than fruit on this planet that contains on average 80% water. Vegetables also contain a lot of water and are therefore second best. Fruit is 100% bad-cholesterol free No doubt about this argument. Too much bad-cholesterol is not good for our bodies and fruit doesnt contain bad-cholesterol. Animal products like meat and dairy contain a lot of bad-cholesterol. Fruit stimulates the memory If you didnt know yet: fruit is the ultimate brain fuel. Fruit has a positive effect on our brains. The way this works still has to be found out and many scientists are looking into it as we speak. What we do know is that if you consume fruit effectively, your brains can recall information faster and more easily. This is very useful information for people who are preparing for an exam. Students that want to go to this page immediately go to: improve your exam results with fruit. The idea that fruit is an expensive nutrition Did you always think that fruit was an expensive product? Take a good look at how much money you spend on other food. It could be worth something to replace some of those expenses with fruit. We think that fruit is the healthiest food on earth and therefore it is well worth spending our money on. The miraculous healing effects of fruit Spectacular stories about people that cured from uncurable diseases by a strict diet of raw fruits and/or vegetables are well known but do we want to believe them? We still dont know that much about fruit and its contents. Fibers We do know now that a diet with plenty of fibers helps against corpulence, high blood pressure, and other factors that increase the chance for a heart disease. The consumed amount of fibers maybe even a more important factor than the amount of fat that is consumed by people! The food that contains these healthy (natural) fibers is. right: fruit! (vegetables as well). The American Heart Association advises to consume 25 to 30 grams of fibers out of fresh fruits and/or vegetables. In practice this means: have five to nine portions of fresh fruits or vegetables a day. Check out the dietary Recommendations of the American Heart Association here. Fruit makes you feel better Several stories have told us about people that were frequently depressed and how they got out of their depression slowly but surely after consuming substantial amounts of fresh fruit on a regular basis. Eating much fruit can have a mysterious healing effect on human beings. Even better is to drink a lot of freshly squeezed fruit drinks on a regular basis. It will take approximately 30 days until you start to notice the effects. Dont forget to drink these smoothies 20 minutes before the consumption of other meals. This way the fruit will not ferment in the stomach and the nutritious elements can be absorbed by the blood effectively. Ethical reasons to eat fruit Fruit doesnt have to be killed and slaughtered before you can eat it. The fruits are just hanging there waiting to be picked by you! This ethical argument (often used by vegetarians and vegans to not eat meat) claims that fruit is a non-animal food. Many people see animals, especially mammals, as living creatures just like humans. There are religions that say that animals have souls like us. The native Americans first asked the animals spirit if they could kill it before they did so. Fruit has never been said to have a soul and thus can be eaten without causing any harm. Ethical or religious arguments aside, we think its a shame that we as human beings dont eat much fruit when there is such an abundant assortment of fruits and vegetables available. Fruit is the most natural food When you see a piece of fruit hanging from a tree that tree is telling you something: Eat my fruits and help me spread my seeds. Thats how nature works. Humans eat vegetables and fruits and consequently help the plants to spread. Humans use animals to work the land to grow the plants and trees that produce these fruits and vegetables. In more and more peoples opinion this is the way it was all meant to be. A human diet A healthy diet should consist for a great deal of freshly squeezed fruit juices, raw fruits and vegetables. Some tips: A good start is to eat and drink more fresh fruits; its as simple as that. Before you know it you will feel much better; Dont forget to eat fruit on an empty stomach, not after other meals and; inform yourself about the substances that our modern food contains. The Energy In Fruit? So what should humans eat: food that contains 80% water. If you think about it, it is very logical to have food that contains much water. Al right, you say, then I just drink 8 to 12 glasses of water each day, so I can have as much food that doesnt contain much water as I want. Bad luck, this wont work. You cannot cleanse your body by flooding it with water. Instead of drowning your body, you only have to eat food that is rich in water: fruit, fruit juices and vegetables are the nutrition that fit this definition. Why is it better to consume food that has lots of water in it? All the fixed substances that you consume have to be digested. A steak for instance can take 8-10 hours to digest, while a fruit salad only takes about 30 minutes! If you squeeze the fruit salad and drink the juice, your body can integrate the nutritious elements even faster. In this way your body can use its energy for other purposes than digesting. For example thinking or detoxifying. The burning process sugar in fruit Everything you eat or drink has to be digested to extract the energy from it. Your body can extract energy from food in two ways: Burning with oxygen, for sugar and fat (fruit); Burning without oxygen, for proteins (meat/dairy). Burning with oxygen,for sugar and fat (fruit) The energy fruit contains is in the form of sugars (glucose). Your body can easily turn this glucose into energy by using oxygen. When the body burns the sugars with the help of oxygen there are waste products produced. The waste products of this chemical reaction are water and carbon-dioxide. Your body can use the water and disposes of the carbon-dioxide through the lungs by breathing. It is a very quick, clean and easy way to extract energy. Your body does an excellent job: it extracts 50% of the energy. A combustion engine about 10 to 20%, the rest is lost through heat. Fruit juice takes only about 15 minutes and raw fruit about 30 minutes to digest! Burning without oxygen, for proteins (meat/dairy) Proteins are burnt in a different way. The energy that for instance meat, milk and dairy contain consists of proteins and animal fat. The largest part consists of proteins and the conversion of proteins into energy is more difficult and costs more energy than the conversion of sugar and fat into energy. When the body burns proteins other waste products are produced than with the burning of sugars. The waste product of the burning-process without oxygen is ammonia which is connected with carbon-dioxide and forms the less toxic ureum which is excreted by the kidneys. Its a more cumbersome way to extract energy. A steak can take up to 8 or 10 hours to digest, especially when eaten in combination with potatoes. In comparison to fruit (30 minutes) a lot of energy is lost to the digestion of proteins and this means that you cant use that energy for other things. Thinking or the disposing of toxins for example. Fruit and Memory? Fruit and the memory Fruit has a very positive effect on the brains just like carrots. So if you want to stimulate your brain functions you have to eat much fresh fruit and carrots (raw). One of the substances that fruit contains are natural sugars. They stimulate the brain so we can think faster and recall information more quickly. There are many other substances that fruit contains which scientists think they stimulate the brain. How this works and which substance is responsible for which effect is still unknown as of yet and research is done at this very moment. Students: improve your exam results! We would like to tell you more about how students can improve their results by changing their eating habits before they have an exam. Fruit is the ultimate brain fuel! You can actually improve your test results simply by changing your eating habits between waking up and doing the exam. The big trick is to consume fruit effectively. Have only fruit but as much as you want before you do your test and avoid the brain blocking foods white flour, refined white sugar, meat and dairy.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Book Report for Maniac Magee
Zachary Roderiques Book Report on Maniac Magee Which of Maniac’s activities do you think are impossible? Why? Which do you think are possible but not probable? I don’t think any of Maniac’s activities are impossible because he is capable of learning how to do every single one of them. I think the one activity that may be possible but not probable is the tying of Cobble’s Corners knot, because over many decades no one else could ever accomplish this feat. Would you like a friend like Maniac? Why or why not? No, I would not like a friend like Maniac because he would be better than me at everything and I don’t think I would feel like I was good at anything if I hung around him. Another reason is because all of the friends he had in the story were only his friends for a short amount of time. He always seemed to leave his friends behind and I would not like it if left me behind. Do you think maniac is a good nickname for Jeffery? Why or why not? Would you like that nickname? Why or why not? I think Maniac is a good nickname for Jeffery because he can do almost anything and everything he does cannot be done by others. I would not like that nickname because I would not want to be known for doing everything like a maniac. I also think that everyone thinks a maniac is a crazy person, so I would not want people thinking I was crazy! In which of Maniac’s homes would you most like to live? Why? Least? Why? n what ways can people be considered to be members of a minority group? People can be considered members of a minority based on the colorof their skin, their ethnic background, the religion they practice, their income, their gender, how old or young they are, if they are handicapped, their marriage status, their education level, and their sexual preference.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Why People Arent Talking About Business Writing Service and What You Need to be Doing Right Now About It
Why People Aren't Talking About Business Writing Service and What You Need to be Doing Right Now About It A lot of the writing that you do during the industry day will be in the shape of emails. No matter your profession, communication is a crucial part of your day. Your common small business week could incorporate a number of writing activities. One of the absolute most important investments you may make in yourself, and in your future career success, is to take some time to learn to write effective small business messages. At the exact same time, simply because you would like a paper cheap doesn't signify the attribute of the content should suffer. When using email to communicate in the business world, it's vital to be careful with the option of words. Apart from being interesting, folks ought to be in a position to relate your content with the sort of product or service you're offering them. Through quality business writing, whether you're promoting a service or an item, you will need to constantly engage your audience. You shouldn't have to pay high fees to find a great excellent paper. You've got a survey to conduct. There are different reasons to use such services even when you write your own papers. Business folks are busy individuals so that your target for a business writer ought to be to capture your reader's interest and force them to carry on reading until the close of the document. Aside from gaining exposure to a huge information, you get to learn lots of things when you compose a guide or content for virtually any website. In reality, there are lots of things to think about when writing articles. Thus, the content has to be well done to create sure individuals get to comprehend what you meant. Bear in mind that, even if your business writing is in the shape of an email, you ought to be professional, polite and make sure that you have provided all of the information which the recipient will probably need. Many of the documents are willing in compliance with the particular format or vogue having records publically correspondence. On the flip side, you may deliberately make a decision to supply references in a business proposal to a different client so as to boost your credibility, particularly if you've done similar work for a current client and they were happy with the results. As soon as it's simple to recognize the value of your company communications, in addition, it is simple to allow them to crucial documents to exit your office without full consideration for their effects on your bottom line. Business writing is a kind of expert communication. If you're writing a manual, summarise what he or she'll learn and why it should be understood. Business writing differs variably from different kinds of writing regarding its evolution. Effective business writing involves the correct use of grammar, language, tone, and fashion. The 30-Second Trick for Business Writing Service Writing goes together with research. Business writing must be succinct. It is different from other types of writing because it needs to be purposeful, economical and reader-oriented. It is a form of non-fictional writing. As much as it annoyed me, I must admit he was a really skilled writer. Also, as soon as you finish writing your blog or story, you will receive a true sense of accomplishment. Concentrate on the writer's concerns Business writing is about the reader. Regarding business and expert writing, the association between writer and reader is crucial. Business Writing Service Secrets Our custom program is unique and our small business plan writers will deal with you constantly until you're able to secure a best plan for business. You will be sure to receive a call from potential employer due to the superb design of our resume. Highly competent and best trained writers promote your business on the internet. If your company is in dull position and you're thinking to employ a business writing service then there's no doubt, our group of Eproject training provides best support services of writing contents for different small business proposals. Put simply, the company owner practically receives a foundation to begin their company. If you think that your business needs a content writing service to create professional-quality content that could take your company really forward, then sure, it might be worth spending money on. You will need to promote your company. The modern business does not permit the normal buying and selling there are several advances and with advances comes the should implement them in proper, professional way.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Dating Violence Essay - 1485 Words
IntroductionIn recent history, dating violence has become a paramount issue in American society. With the rates of domestic violence on the rise, much research has been conducted that provides evidence that violence during dating relationships in the teen years is a strong contributing factor to later domestic violence. Current research is revealing that a far larger percentage of teens are suffering from some amount of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in their dating relationships. Studies have shown that both those who engage in the violent behaviors, as well as those who are the victims of these acts are more likely to be involved in violent relationships in the future. The significant number of individuals involved in these†¦show more content†¦Next comes the phase of violence, which is characterized by hitting, slapping, kicking, choking, the use of objects or weapons, verbal threats or abuse, and sexual abuse. The final phase that sets the individuals up for the cy cle to continue is the honeymoon phase. The honeymoon phase is noted by calm and apologetic demeanor. The individuals tend to go through denial about the abusive behavior, come up with excuses, and make promises about future behavior. While it is important to know how professionals define dating violence, it is also pivotal that those in the helping professions also have an understanding of how the teens themselves view the violence that occurs in their relationships. According to one study teens define abuse according to the context, intent, and actual harm caused (O’Keefe, 2005). In another study teens actually reported that in situations where revenge, retaliation, or prevention of face loss was the reason for the abusive behavior, the violence was justified (Sears, Byers, Whelan, Saint-Pierre, 2006, p 1197). In the same study individuals reported that they also took into consideration whether the act was a result of their partner â€Å"just kidding†or a demonst ration of their caring for their partner. Not only do definitions of interpersonal violence vary across the board, but they also vary significantly between males and females. Males and females have very different views as to what the purpose ofShow MoreRelatedTeen Dating Violence : Teenage Dating1655 Words  | 7 Pages Teen Dating Violence Dawn Brown, Verronica Flowers, Michelle Marcak, Lisa Sprouse Dr. Brinda Mckinney, Instructor Arkansas State University NRS 3333 Women s Health August 12, 2016 â€Æ' Teen Dating Violence In 2013, the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey reported that 21% of female and 10% of male high school students experienced some form of physical and/or sexual dating violence. 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Additionally, the overall question is whether or not the environment the teenagers live in, is putting them at a higherRead MoreThe Victims Of Teen Dating Violence And Substance Abuse796 Words  | 4 Pagesvictimization are of increasing public health concern. Several studies identified a significant correlation among victims of teen dating violence and substance abuse. Those committing the act were more likely to be under the influence of drugs a nd alcohol, and victims show increasing signs of substance addiction to cope (Temple et al., 2013). Victims of teen dating violence can have increased problems associated with mental health, sexual risk behaviors, sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancyRead MoreCollege Women s Experiences Of Dating Violence1143 Words  | 5 Pages College Women’s Experiences of Dating Violence in Casual and Exclusive Relationships . 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